Bangkok to Hua Hin Train Times, Costs, Booking & Journey Info

A popular transport option that’s comfortable and safe for getting to Hua Hin from Bangkok is using the rail service (Bangkok to Hua Hin – Southern train line).

-- Last Updated on March 21, 2023 by Jonesy

There are a number of daily services running from Krung Thep Aphiwat Central Terminal in Bangkok to Hua Hin.

Train Times Schedule

The train time options require you to book in advance for at least 2 hours prior to travel. One of the most popular options is train 43 because of its suitable arrival time and availability when booking, and another is the 171, as the 171 coincides with good checking-in and out-of-hotel times.

Train NoDepartArriveType
4308.1012:05Special Express
3114:5018.57Special Express
37/4515:3519.56Special Express
39/4122:2002:14Special Express

Ticket Prices

Prices for seats vary and depend on which train is booked, the seat type (sleeper berth, or standard seat), and class (1st, 2nd. 3rd class). These costs will vary and the prices shown in the table are the approximate lowest fees among the available seats or class for the Hua Hin Trains.

SeatOnline Price* Station Price*
3rd Class (fan)94 THB54 THB
2nd Class (fan)152 THB94 THB
2nd Class (a/c)412 THB212 THB
2nd Class Sleeper (fan)302 THB202 THB
2nd Class Sleeper (a/c)482 THB252 THB
1st Class Sleeper (a/c)1022 THB772 THB
*Prices start from and may vary when booking

The train options include sleeper trains offering beds and 1st class, standard 2nd class air-con trains (e.g., train 43), and 3rd class options. 2nd class seats are the best and most available option.

High Season: During the high tourist season Nov – March you should try and book well in advance to avoid the disappointment of train unavailability.


Book at Station: You may book a ticket at the train station and it will cost less. However, it may cost you in travel costs and it takes more time.

Book Online (below): Booking online enables you to receive a ticket via email which can be printed or shown on your mobile phone when required for ticket checking.

Book Here

Journey times: Journey times differ between trains to Hua Hin and start from 4h-10m to 5h-15m.

*Train 261 – No Booking Required

If you would like to try the cheapest third-class option then you can try the ordinary train 261 service that does not require any booking. This is a great experience to have in Thailand (remember I did not say comfortable) the local people’s way for just over 1.5 USD.

Train 261 departs from Hua Lamphong station daily at 09:20 am and arrives at Hua Hin 14.15 pm. Tickets cost less than 100 THB at the station.

What To Expect On The Journey

Trains to Hua Hin are a little old, but they’re cheap, cheerful, and very safe compared to getting a bus or minivan. They should be a great experience for anyone visiting Thailand and wanting to experience everyday activities among Thai people.

Inside The Train To Hua Hin

The 2nd class air-con carriages, although quite old looking are perfectly fine and comfortable. You’ll find a few westerners mixed in, but mostly Thai people, and it is pleasant.

You may be offered meals and most definitely snacks to purchase. The food is basic, so you may wish to eat before you travel or on arrival to Hua Hin, and bring a couple of snacks.

Arriving at Hua Hin Train Station

Hua Hin railway station is a very pleasant and aesthetically pleasing station that is a mini attraction of Hua Hin with some interesting 1920s history.

Hua Hin Railway Station Sign

Hua Hin Soi 76 from the station leads to the Phet Kasem Rd (the main road through Hua Hin), which is only 400 meters from the station. When carrying light luggage it can be easily walked, although your hotel location will need to be considered.

The taxi stand across the road has open-sided trucks (songthaews) and motorbike taxis which is the best place to get a taxi. Most hotels that are not too far from the station should cost you around 50 – 150 THB in taxi fares. Ask the price before you take the taxi.

Taxi Stands Across The Road

If a short slightly bumpy journey in a songthaew or jumping on the back of a motorbike doesn’t appeal to you then you can also take a taxi. Outside the station, the taxi drivers that approach you will hike up the prices, so you may need to negotiate with the driver, or you could use the Grab Taxi App.